You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean and clear
You said I was just a touch away
But I'm not even close
No, nowhere near
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean
And my pathway clear
How d'you want to go?
Should we go together?
I don't want to go
Gonna live forever
Live forever
Shadows in the fog are moving in
From the world outside
To my world within
I'm sucking on the dust that moves the air
The pieces move
But I'm still there
Shadows in the fog are moving in
From the world outside
To my world within
How d'you wanna go?
Calm or stormy weather
If we've got to go
Let's go together
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean and clear
You said I was just a touch away
But I'm not even close
No, I'm nowhere near
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean
And my pathway clear
How d'you want to go?
Should we go together?
I don't want to go
Gonna live forever
Live forever
Live forever
Live forever
Live forever
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
Make my pathway clean and clear
You said I was just a touch away
But I'm not even close
No, nowhere near
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean
And my pathway clear
How d'you want to go?
Should we go together?
I don't want to go
Gonna live forever
Live forever
Shadows in the fog are moving in
From the world outside
To my world within
I'm sucking on the dust that moves the air
The pieces move
But I'm still there
Shadows in the fog are moving in
From the world outside
To my world within
How d'you wanna go?
Calm or stormy weather
If we've got to go
Let's go together
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean and clear
You said I was just a touch away
But I'm not even close
No, I'm nowhere near
You said you could make it disappear
Make my pathway clean
And my pathway clear
How d'you want to go?
Should we go together?
I don't want to go
Gonna live forever
Live forever
Live forever
Live forever
Live forever
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la
La la la la
La la la la
Ноќеска имав бура. Мојата Анима умираше пред мои очи.
Наеднаш го имаше обликот на прекрасното тело на мајка ми. Телото почна да прави
движења коишто беа знаци на болка, толку голема што не може да биде
интегрирана. Вдишувањето што требаше да биде ширење, се распрснуваше некаде на
половина пат назад кон центарот, кон срцето. И не можеше да дојде до собирање,
кога телото требаше да го испушти здивот. Сликата што ја создаваше Анима беше
посилна од вообичаениот циклус на дишењето. Таа како да беше погодена од гром.
Јас сакав да го гушнам громот, за да и помогнам да дише. Тогаш Анима го покажа
своето вистинско лице на змеј и почна да блуе огин во моите пазуви.
Огнот е љубов, помислив во сред умирање.Во длабочините на
душата има океан од мир на кого сите облици на овој свет не му можат ништо.
Токму ова ништо го врати духот назад во моето тело.
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